Yet more asbestos warning for schools after woman’s mesothelioma diagnosis

Ex pupils of two Woodley schools are being urged to assist with an investigation after a woman was diagnosed with an asbestos-related cancer.

Fears have been raised after the woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, developed symptoms of what was subsequently diagnosed as mesothelioma, a cancer that most commonly starts in the layers of tissue that cover the lungs.

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As a result, solicitors have been instructed to build a case as to whether the woman was exposed to asbestos dust while attending Beechwood Primary and Bulmershe Secondary schools between 1975 and 1986.

The news comes weeks after Bulmershe Leisure Centre’s swimming pool was permanently closed following fears that the ceiling tiles were in danger of falling and releasing asbestos.

Helen Childs, from solicitor firm Royds Withy King said:

“I wouldn’t want anyone to be alarmed, because the chances of anyone who attended either school developing an asbestos related illness is very very small.

However, asbestos was a very widely used material, and it is still present in many schools that were built or altered in the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s, like Bulmershe and Beechwood.

Any information any of your readers can give about the construction or maintenance of Bulmershe or Beechwood will be very much appreciated. I am particularly keen to speak to anyone who can recall maintenance and repair work being undertaken at Beechwood or Bulmershe, particularly during term time, or who can remember that Beechwood or Bulmershe were in a poor state of repair.”

Drop-in sessions are being organised by the solicitors firm at Coronation Hall, in Headley Road, on Monday, April 9 from 10am to 5pm, again on Wednesday, May 2 from 2pm to 5pm, and then on the first Thursday of every month between 9am to 12pm.

Alternatively, residents can discuss any concerns with the solicitors by calling 01865 268 359, 07876805431 or by emailing